

Christine Berlioz

chartered accountant, COGEREST

collaborator and architect DE-HMONP

Franck Revol

collaborateur and CAO-DAO specialist

Guillaume Toutain, Nathan Dopieralski, Dorian Campbell, 

Thibault Hanonge, Baptiste Rossi, Manon Nogard, Emilio Wattel, Jennifer El Khanji, Ezéchiel Sene

think thank 

architecture future

construction engineer / creator and developer of CSR companies

former president of CDG 38 / former mayor of Eybens

delegated contracting authority/ SensCibles Immo/ positive impact real estate

Marcel Demange

public relations and partner EDF

consulting engineer and consultant / university teacher 

doctor / owner of l’Ordre National du Mérite

Michel Sauzet

research engineer / general gelegate of the ENISE Foundation

former reporter (France TV, Libération, le Progrès Lyon)

forensics, Lyon


sas d’architecture capital 4.444€   siret  892 007 444 

75 Rue Victor Faugier 

38200  Vienne  France

+33 09 86 57 25 44