Marc Baietto

President of CDG 38

Former Mayor of Eybens


Career path

1974 - 2001

Professor of philosophy

1974 - 1977

Councillor of Eybens

1977 - 1983

1st Deputy Mayor of Eybens

1983 - 2014

Mayor of Ebens

1983 - 2001

Director of the Centre Départemental of Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale d'Isère (CDG 38)

1983 - 2001

Regional Delegate

1988 - 2015

General Councillor for the canton of Eybens

1989 - 2008

Vice-president of SMTC

1995 - 2010

1997 - 2014

Vice-president of the Grenoble agglomeration community in charge of transport

President of the public establishment in charge of the SCOT of the Grenoble urban region

2001 - 2020

President of CDG 38

2001 - 2010

First VP of the Isère General Council in charge of transport and territorial organisation

2008 - 2011

President of the syndicat mixte des transports de l'agglomération grenobloise (SMTC)

2009 - 2015

Vice-President of the CNFPT

2010 - 2014

President of the Grenoble agglomeration community

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75 Rue Victor Faugier 

38200  Vienne  France

+33 09 86 57 25 44