In our approach, we highlight agility as a fundamental element. We favour flexibility of use and adaptability of plans, allowing a fluid and rapid transformation of spaces according to the evolving needs of occupants. This agile approach translates into the creation of dynamic «places of life», able to adjust in real time to the changing demands of society.

Agility has several dimensions. First, it manifests itself in a convertibility of use without or almost work. , allowing rapid transformations that meet specific needs. This ability promotes a better quality of life over time, offering versatile and scalable environments. The agile approach aims to promote a continuous use of spaces day and night, in order to concentrate the phenomena of dormitory city and tertiary desert. It offers solutions for working from home and home-office, simplifying the occupation of a single place of life instead of several. This strengthens resilience to social change and ensures real estate sustainability.

Agility also translates into a reduction in transport time, by promoting lifestyles where travel is limited through optimization of workplaces and living spaces. By incorporating high environmental standards, we contribute to reducing our carbon footprint, promoting the use of sustainable materials and the adoption of efficient energy systems. Our approach emphasizes the creation of dynamic and sustainable spaces, offering essential adaptability to a society in constant change. By fostering flexibility, functionality and innovation, we are shaping environments that evolve with the needs of their occupants, while preserving our planet for future generations. 

sas d’architecture capital 4.444€   siret  892 007 444 

75 Rue Victor Faugier 

38200  Vienne  France

+33 09 86 57 25 44

We privilege in our design 

                        Flexibility in the use of «living spaces»

                        A flexibility of plans 

To allow

                        Convertibility of use without or almost work 

                        An increase in the quality of life at work and in relaxation 

                        A day-night use, to counter the dormitory city and tertiary deserts

                        A reduction in transport times

                        A unique occupation: Home-office and office-home

                        Resilience to changes in society

                        A real estate longevity created by versatility